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    Poolisiin Oromiyaa, miseensota Humna Addaa duraanii,
    Poolisii Idileen marsaa 2ffaaf leenjise eebbise.
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    Kolleejjii Poolisii Oromiyaatti Inistitiyuutiin Leenjii Ogummaa
    Poolisii Oromiyaa, leenjifamtoota ogummaa Qorannaa Yakkaa Marsaa 14ffaa
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  • Slide Background Image
    Koolleejjii Poolisiin Oromiyaa leenjise eebbise.
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    Koolleejjii Poolisiin Oromiyaa leenjise eebbise.

Greetings from Oromia Police College

Oromia Police College is flourishing a head as higher academic institution to offer various trainings. It was founded as higher academic institution by regulation no. 129/2002 at Adama. Previously, it was uncommon to see many PhD scholars’ staff and very limited numbers of academic courses were offered by the college with hundred students. MA program students enrollment was not exist. Teaching materials for practical work like forensic materials and Administrative offices facilities were also not fulfilled. But nowadays, this College has made spectacular achievements with in short span of 14 years. The College has been reaching numerous mile stones in the past couple of years in line with academic and other related activities: there are many PhD scholars from OPC staff with in national and abroad universities.

Budget Utilization

Oromia Police College's budget allocation is utilized in various areas to ensure that the college provides quality education and services to its students and the community. The budget covers a wide range of expenses, including educational resources, research and development, community services, facilities and infrastructure, technology and equipment, training programs, student services, and faculty and staff salaries.

The educational resources budget covers the cost of procuring educational materials, textbooks, online resources, and subscriptions to academic journals and databases. This ensures that students have access to the latest and most relevant information in their field of study.

The research and development budget is allocated to support research activities, conduct studies, and support faculty and student research projects, particularly at the Master's degree level. This helps to advance knowledge and understanding in the field of policing.

The community services budget is allocated to support projects that benefit the community. The college has already completed several projects through community services, which have had a positive impact on the community.

The facilities and infrastructure budget is allocated to maintain and improve campus infrastructure, including classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and other facilities. This ensures that students have access to modern and well-equipped facilities that support their learning.

The technology and equipment budget is used to purchase and maintain technological equipment, including computers, software, laboratory equipment, and specialized tools required for academic programs. This ensures that students have access to the latest technology and equipment that is necessary for their studies.

The training programs budget is allocated to provide specialized training programs, workshops, seminars, or conferences for faculty and students to enhance their skills and knowledge in specific areas related to policing. This helps to ensure that students are well-prepared for their future careers.

The student services budget is allocated to provide student support services, such as counseling, career guidance, health services, and extracurricular activities. This ensures that students have access to the support they need to succeed academically and personally.

Finally, a significant portion of the budget goes toward paying salaries for teaching faculty, administrative staff, and support personnel. This ensures that the college can attract and retain highly qualified staff who are committed to providing quality education and services to students and the community.


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