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    Poolisiin Oromiyaa, miseensota Humna Addaa duraanii,
    Poolisii Idileen marsaa 2ffaaf leenjise eebbise.
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    Kolleejjii Poolisii Oromiyaatti Inistitiyuutiin Leenjii Ogummaa
    Poolisii Oromiyaa, leenjifamtoota ogummaa Qorannaa Yakkaa Marsaa 14ffaa
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  • Slide Background Image
    Koolleejjii Poolisiin Oromiyaa leenjise eebbise.
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    Koolleejjii Poolisiin Oromiyaa leenjise eebbise.

Greetings from Oromia Police College

Oromia Police College is flourishing a head as higher academic institution to offer various trainings. It was founded as higher academic institution by regulation no. 129/2002 at Adama. Previously, it was uncommon to see many PhD scholars’ staff and very limited numbers of academic courses were offered by the college with hundred students. MA program students enrollment was not exist. Teaching materials for practical work like forensic materials and Administrative offices facilities were also not fulfilled. But nowadays, this College has made spectacular achievements with in short span of 14 years. The College has been reaching numerous mile stones in the past couple of years in line with academic and other related activities: there are many PhD scholars from OPC staff with in national and abroad universities.

Fikadu Tafesse Lakew (Ass. Professor/Commander)

Vice General Director for Research, Consultancy and Community Services

Oromia Police College is one of the Police higher learning institutions working aggressively towards tackling peace and security problems of the community through its valued philosophy of Policing, peace and security focused education and training. With, it’s Vision of, the center of Excellency in Police science academy, research, justice and security consultancy/ technology transfer in Ethiopia, Examplary in East Africa and competent in Africa.

Structurally, the Research, consultancy and Community Services activities of Oromia Police College are currently managed at the level of Vice General Director position. The Research, Consultancy and Community Services wing of the College has the following core values: quality and excellence in Policing, justice and development research, innovative approaches in community service and technology transfer, honesty, respect, fairness and integrity in carrying out intellectual endeavors, community engagement and acceptability of transferred technology, enhancing Colleges industry linkage, networking for collaboration and partnership, mutual respect, collegiality and team spirit in transforming the research and technology transfer, equity and gender balance in research and technology transfer, fidelity to the law and observing all statutory obligations in the conduct of research and community service, encouraging innovativeness to inculcate competitiveness and improvement and building a culture of evidence based conclusion through scientific approach in focus of Policing, justice and development.

To address the research priority of the region in general, and the security issue in particular, the university has identified: Crime Prevention and Policing; Crime Investigation and Policing; Leadership and Police Management; Police Education and Learning; Police Administration and Organization Building; Police, State Building and Nation Building, and policing and development issues as research thematic areas.

Research outputs are communicated to the end users through different routes (means) including annual research conferences held every year, Colleges hosted journals (IJPSJD), publication on national and international peer reviewed journals, and policy briefs. The Publication Office of the College has a mandate to coordinate and support the dissemination aspect. In addition, some of the research findings are transferred into community service projects/technological products to practically solve a pressing policing and security problem of the community. These activities are coordinated by Community Services & consultancy work process head of the college.

Oromia Police College has also good track record of attracting national and international collaborators on joint research and publication activities, staffs exchange for research and technology transfer, services to the community and capacity building activities in areas such as Forensic sciences, Contemporary Policing Model, Police education and others. Majority of our international collaborators are from India, China, USA Embassy, Uganda, and others. Most of research and community service collaboration activities are coordinated centrally by the Vice General director for Research, Consultancy and Community Services offices.


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